A lesson in humility…

As mentioned in my previous post, I had a heckuva hard time at Chestermere Junior High School but when you’re a guy who’s good at sports then you automatically become awesome in the eyes of your peers.  I just happen to be a natural athlete growing up and in junior and senior high school, thank The Good Lord for that.  And not to brag, but, I was pretty awesome at every sport I played.  I learned to channel the immense amount of anger I had at my parents for moving out there and into my athletic ability and was determined to be good at something, but not just good… AWESOME.  That ability and determination went a VERY long way in school towards making friends so I just kept at it.  I was terribly bored with school otherwise – it was just so dull.  My teachers kept telling me that IQ tests scored very high and I was always confused by this.  I had always thought that I was pretty stupid.  As it turns out, I have exceptional intelligence.  I was writing software in several different computer languages when I was 11 and thought that computers were pretty awesome.  Of course, I never put 2 and 2 together and just believed the abuse I received and my grades always took a back seat to computers and sports.  An unusual combination huh?  I never got to see my IQ scores for those many IQ tests that we wrote every 3 years or so but I would estimate that my IQ is around the 150 or so mark.  But I digress.

After the first year of Chestermere Junior High School I was sent to Prairie High School (PHS), also known as Prairie Bible Institute (PBI), in Three Hills, AB and it was a boarding school.  My anxiety levels for these two years were crazy high, I was always in danger of passing out or having another panic attack.  It was a pretty freaky time, but, I was just getting warmed up.  After the first couple of weeks at PHS I began to make friends with a couple of guys named Michael Wolfe and Don Zufelt.  Mike and “Zuey”.  Both were Native-Canadian, and crazy as hell.  LOL.  And there was Matthew Bean too, he was my best friend for a very long time but Danny the Liar managed to fuck that up too.  After that I made friends at a breakneck pace it seemed.  These Christian kids were far different than the ones I knew back at Glenmore Christian Academy (GCA).  They were much friendlier, happy all the time and eager to take the time to get to know you.  At GCA they were far more rude, condescending and downright mean-spirited.  I really hated them.  They were nothing but spoiled rich kids with FAR too much confidence.

But at PHS I actually began to love the school in a way that I had never experienced before.  Every so often I would go home on the weekends back to Chestermere and I began to loathe going home.  Back to the same family.  I dreaded it every time.  I just wanted to stay in Three Hills.  Mom always stirring up trouble, Danny the Liar doing the same and Dad always taking away the keyboard to my computer to feed his sadistic pleasures.  I had to “climb his city walls” every time to get it back.  I resented him so.  Really because he didn’t keep my miserable cunt mother in line as he should have.  Always disrespecting him, always antagonizing us two boys.  And then she would sit back and watch the fireworks.  She was so sadistic that way.  The one thing I could do in life was program computers and it was always getting taken away just because I “filled the hard drive up with games.”  It was just as bad as when I heard, “CARL GET OFF THAT DAMN MACHINE” about a thousand times growing up.  Parents wanted me to do homework, or so I assumed because they never said that, but I was terribly bored with school and wanted only to write software and play games.

But, I started getting into trouble with officials at PHS.  You see, when you have undiagnosed Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and when your school “Practical Training” (PT) involved cleaning public showers and toilets, you tend to avoid doing it whenever possible.  Other.  Peoples.  Germs.  Damn.  I can’t even clean my own toilet bowl let alone other peoples’!  This PT was in place at PHS to help keep tuition costs down so in essence, we were “working” for the school as quasi-janitors.  But, I didn’t have anyone who could recognize my problem of OCD and my Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), so I was labelled a “problem child” and was suspended and then told not to come back the next year.

I was devastated.  But, through some convincing, school officials let me go back for a 2nd year.  I picked up where I left off with most of my friends from the previous year but there’s a wrinkle for this year, Danny the Liar was also attending.  Let the humiliation begin.

First off and right out of the gate, Danny the Liar demanded to be put into the same room as his old friend Edward Cooper.  Diva behaviour right off the bat.  So school officials actually accommodated him and made the switch in their dorm room roommate assignments. 

Next, Danny was seen with Rhonda Bohay, a known slut and otherwise lowly bad-news girl that most good Christian kids avoided.  Then the rumors that he and her were getting more than friendly, and I do mean physical and sexual, which was TOTALLY against school rules to begin with.  I mean, right off the bat he makes a beeline for some strange girl?

Then, I made the HUGE mistake of introducing him to my friends and Danny the Liar made a massive scene in the high school building and acted like he retarded whilst insulting me by throwing his arm against his chest as was the mock action you took when someone was acting mentally handicapped and then proceeded to make retard noises!  All 10 of us just stood there, stunned beyond belief, all my Christian friends just started at Danny the Liar for almost a minute trying to figure out why he had made such an incredibly stupid and insane gesture.  Sound effects and all to boot… it was sooooooo childish.  Right after I had introduced him to my friends and wanted to help him feel at home at this new school!  I had never been so humiliated in all of my life!  

Danny the Liar sat back and turned beet red, nobody said a word, we were all afraid to move or say anything, was Danny possessed by the devil?  Was he actually retarded?  Why did he act in such a mean-spirited way after he received a friendly introduction from his older brother?  Did he need medication?  Was he under the influence of illicit drugs?  We were all so stunned by his display that, thankfully, after TWO FULL MINUTES of silence, the bell for class rang and we were saved from that horrible incident.  We all just leaped up out of our chairs and RAN.  Wow.  To this day, nobody I have ever known had acted such a disgusting manner with such good Christian company and after he had been treated so well by someone.  It was ungrateful, it was childish, it was despicable, it was horrific, and, it was the beginning of the end of PHS.

After that the already bad rumors about Dan begin to intensify, and I always got to hear about it from virtually everyone at PHS.  It was terrible.  It was utterly sickening to hear such rumors that Dan’s behaviour had caused from all of your friends.  Many of my friends thought he was actually mentally unstable, or mentally handicapped, or had behaviour issues, or substance abuse problems, each and every rumor was spreading like wildfire around school and I was attempting to put each and every fire out as best as I could.  But, rumors follow a person around for a long time.  Such is life in high school, even a Christian one.

It was then that Danny the Liar had come to know a guy named Chad Derect (spelling could be wrong).  Chad was, for all intents and purposes, a flaming homosexual.  And, somehow, he was attending our Christian school.  Redemption is for everyone I suppose but this time it was galling to see such a person in our Bible-based high school.  Little Chaddy even got up in front of everyone in the Tabernacle one day during a free speech thing on Sunday and there he was, crazy over-pronounced lisp, frail little body, high fashion clothes, Asian from somewhere we don’t know, and his constant lilts!  LOLOL  He was hilarious to watch!  The only other time I have seen a gay dude go all out flame like that was during an episode of “Ellen” with one of her gay guests! 

Chad was the literal laughing stock of the entire school and an absolutely side-splitting example of a guy that was totally in the wrong school!  There were jokes left, right and centre about little Chaddy boy.  It even became an insult to use his name!  “Oh you’re so gay!  You’re like Chad!”  HAHAHAHAHAHA.  So, what does Danny the Liar/Danny the Closet Homosexual do?  He invites Chad to come back to our house in Chestermere for the weekend!  I couldn’t believe it!  Just when I thought I couldn’t endure anymore humiliation it gets a thousand times worse.  Now Danny becomes attached to Chad at school and the rumor-mill went into absolute over-drive.  Our Christian school actually became at risk for coming undone thanks to Danny’s incessant antics.   Shoot me in the face.  It was a disaster.  Chad managed to alienate my mom by playing her piano without asking, then while helping my father outside he whined and complained like a pussy-bitch when asked to do, *gasp*  P H Y S I C A L   L A B O U R!  Right?!?  Little Chaddy complained all the time at home and I couldn’t wait to get rid of him.  Thanks Danny the Liar.
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The last and final straw for me was when Danny the Liar started hanging around Elsa Lundgren.  At first I thought his reputation for being a gay-sympathizer and all-around retard and social misfit might go away and another, more respectable Danny might emerge.  Nope.  And now for the grand finale. 

We had an outing at school that we all went to where I took my then girlfriend Marianne Strydhorst to, and wouldn’t you know it, Danny shows up there with Elsa.  It was a hockey rink we went to, where we could play and do some ice-skating.  At soon as Danny shows up.  It happened.  Danny and Elsa got into an argument in front of everyone… all 50 of us, including the Dean of our dorm.  Then their little lovers’ quarrel evolved into a physical altercation, WITH A GIRL DAN.  WITH A GIRL.  YOUR GIRLFRIEND.  WHAT IN THE ACTUAL ASS WERE YOU THINKING?!?!?   Their little physical fight become more and more animated as me, my girlfriend, and 50 of my Christian friends looked on.  And then, their legs became intertwined, they lost their balance, they tripped, and Danny the Liar fell on Elsa hard on the ground and badly sprained her ankle.  

She needed a tight bandage and crutches for several weeks.

Poor Elsa…

At this point, I bolted from the scene and many of us were so dumbfounded by what happened we just couldn’t deal with it.  All of us kids just got out of there, in some farmer’s field that lent it to us for our field trip, and we started up a game of hockey and attempted to forget the horrific scene we had just witnessed.  Elsa showed up at school with her bandaged ankle and crutches and I became the proverbial laughing stock of PHS because I was only related to Danny the Liar, the Social Misfit, the Gay-Sympathizer, the Misbehaviour-ist (nice word hey?  just made it up)  The rumors about Dan at this point became downright legendary in an infamous sort of way.  His reputation was so bad at this point, now December at PHS, only 4 months into the year, that I couldn’t even look at anyone in the eye anymore.  My grades suffered tremendously, my roommate and I had a falling out, I didn’t care anymore and all I wanted to do was get out of Three Hills.  Fast. My name became mixed up with his and everything fell apart at school for me.

How could it have been so good and become so bad so fast?  I had a great first year, for the most part, and once Danny the Liar was introduced into my world, all the good came to a grinding halt.  And hard.  

In my defense, I couldn’t bear having such a great year with a great reputation only to have it all torn away because of the ridiculous antics of another person.  In my mind, it was like a bomb had gone off.  I was racing thinking, trying to figure a way out of this mess.  I tried and tried.  Then, when I went home for Christmas, I had an evil thought.  It was the devil’s influence for sure but I had grown desperate and that’s usually when he shows up, offering his “help”.  I would bring a bottle of Jack Daniel’s 007 whiskey from my father’s liquor cabinet and I would bring it to school and try and get myself kicked out.  A second time.  Well it worked, and I managed to take a couple kids with me, which was really, really, stupid.  I shouldn’t have let Danny the Liar and his crazy reputation at school get to me, but I did.  I should have let him die his own slow death and just avoided contact and concentrated on school.  To be honest, when I got kicked out I was relieved that I wouldn’t have to see anyone again, to see their disappointed faces, to see how Danny the Liar’s antics get repeated all over school again and again.  I should have asked God for help but I acted hastily and angrily and it got me kicked out and it stunted my schooling for a year.  I was never able to see all my friends again from Prairie.  I was so hurt.

It was the best school year I ever had followed by the worst school year I ever had.  How could something be so awesome be also so bad so quickly?  I made a lot of friends in Three Hills and they were all good, Christian friends too!  It was a monumentally awesome year only equaled but a monumental failure.  And it put me in a depression that I am still dealing with today.  I don’t think I will ever live it down.  It has negatively affected my life in such a way that I am still totaling now.  What was the ultimate cost?  Who knows.  It’s still being tallied.  

I often wonder how awesome my life would have been without Danny the Liar.  Someone who had such a profoundly negative effect on me that it still has me baffled in so many ways.  I might have been far more successful than I am now, that’s for sure.  Danny the Liar just goes to show you how one person’s lies can have such a detrimental effect on those around him.   All for ego.  He really is sick.

Vanity, will remain, the devil’s favourite sin.


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