The extent of Danny The Liar’s ego revealed

Recently I was contacted by the local police service regarding my blog posts here at the behest of Danny The Liar.

Yep, you read that right folks, he actually contacted the police in an attempt to bring down my blog posts here because, obviously, the truth hurts.  Now, obviously the police are unable to take down anyone’s blog posts just because another person’s ego is bruised and this incident will only accelerate my exposé of Danny The Liar and his dirty deeds.  And the officer I spoke to said that Danny The Liar actually attempted to get the police to give him my phone number too!  Oh, what a violation of civil liberties!  The officer said he wasn’t going to give him my number for that reason and he was right.  A good cop is always welcome in my town.  I’ve been threatened by ego-maniacal persons before during my time as a Journalist, particularly politicians, and that has NEVER stopped me from writing the truth.  All of what you’ve read here will be nothing BUT the truth so help me God.  This entire blog is my own personal therapeutic measure to gain some sanity in this liar’s paradise we call planet Earth.  And I’m going to enjoy that measure to the full.

But can you imagine the audacity of contacting the police because you read something online that hurt your feelings?!?  Danny The Liar’s ego is FAR more sick and twisted than I previously imagined!  Too bad kiddo!  You committed acts of unspeakable sickness throughout our childhood while always blaming me and this continued into adulthood.  Always playing the victim while YOU were the bully and NOW you’re getting your comeuppance.  Okay kiddo!  Everyone out of the pool!  Fun’s over slick!  You’ve got to pay your OWN way now and NOW you’re going to answer for your sick ways and your lies once and for all!  AND ON THE INTERNET TOO BABY!  Woohoo!

I love a good public execution!

I have to admit though, to actually attempt to divert taxpayer funded, valuable police resources and time away from higher priority stuff like murders, theft, and in general -actual crime, to service your own ego was quite astonishing to say the least.  This is definitely a new low for Danny The Liar.  This is someone who claims to be a good Christian man and he attempts to service his own VANITY with the help of the police!  Good Lord…  The devil would be proud I’m sure.  You’ve heard the old saying, “vanity is the devil’s favourite sin.”  

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I have enjoyed these blog posts to the full and now that the police may be watching then I will have a real chance to right even more of Danny The Liar’s wrongs with his past and frequent usage of cocaine, marijuana and alcohol.   But, those exposés will have to wait for future posts.  Oooooooooh!  The anticipation must be just killing you all hey?!?

Didn’t I tell you Danny The Liar was an ego-maniac?  Well, now you all have proof.  The police cannot be used to service your ego folks, get used to it.  That’s NOT why they exist.  Shameful Danny boy, utterly and completely shameful.  Now my opinion of you is even lower than it was.  And it was pretty low to begin with. 

You’re a heckuva bad role model for your children aren’t you? 

Sick.  Totally sick.

“crazy noises”    LOL

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